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Audio Energy Meditations


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This meditation activates healing patterns by linking the physical body with its perfect energy template. The winged disk of ancient Egypt, like the Zuni Eye of God, recognizes the God force at the heart of all creation. The winged disk was said to fly across the sky, keeping watch over creation and bringing energy from the God-side of reality onto Earth when the Earth plane was out of balance. This meditation focuses on health as an outcome of balanced and abundant life force. It channels healing energy in the form of higher frequencies that promote transformation. The Winged Disk meditation acts as a star-bridge for people in the healing arts, channeling templates for physical reality from the God-side of creation.


In this meditation, energy flows from your personal Star, your spiritual Source, into your Crown chakra. Energy then flows along the Hara line from your Crown to your Heart chakra, filling your Heart with golden dancing star energy. Your Heart chakra opens to your hands which are filled with healing light.


Ground, center and establish boundaries.

Connect with your Star in the sky, your spiritual Source.

Fig 1:

1. Inhale, imagining Golden light in the form of dancing stars descending from your Star in the sky and filling your Crown chakra.

2. Exhale, visualizing energy streaming from your Crown to your Heart chakra, filling your Heart with Golden starlight energy.


3. Continue inhaling energy into your Crown from your Spiritual Source, and exhaling energy from your crown to your Heart. Stop when you’re heart feels full.


Fig 2:​

4. Inhale energy into your heart; exhale, sending energy down your arms and into your hands, filling your hands with light.


5. a. Using your breath as a pump, inhale, bringing energy into the top your head all the way through your heart, down your arms, and into your hands.

Palth of Energy Winged Chakra
By Synthia Andrews, ND - Career Press, New Page Books
Illustrated Instructions
with audio version below

For more information about the benefits and uses of this meditation see, Subtle Energy Work.


5. b. Then exhale sending energy from your hands to any person, location, situation, or event that needs healing. Always send healing energy with respect, acknowledging that you are making an offer that can be accepted or rejected.

When you are finished, bring your energy into your Heart, ground, center and establish your boundaries.

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